Dear Colleagues,
The Supreme Court issued its long-awaited decision in The Janus v. AFSCME case on Wednesday, June 27, 2018. The 5-4 decision dealt a huge blow to organized labor, ruling that non-union members no longer have to pay their “fair share” for union representation in collective bargaining negotiations. As you know, we have been preparing for this unfortunate outcome and have taken proactive steps to educate our members in order to protect and preserve your hard-fought benefits.
Your signed pledge to the Wappingers Congress of Teachers affords you the level of representation and benefits you have earned as a memeber in good standing, including:
* Legal defense and representation services above and beyond that which is defined in the local union's collective barganining agreement provided by NYSUT legal such as but not limited to:
♦ Ed. Law 3020-a. Disciplinary proceedings by the district to terminate a tenured member.
♦ Part 83. Moral fitness hearings. Any information indicating that an individual holding a teaching certificate has committed an act which raises a reasonable question as to theindividual's moral character.
♦ Ed. Law 913. Authorizes a board of education to have a medical examination of an employee conducted when questions arise as to the employee's physical or mental health.
* Tenure denials
* Layoff, seniority lists and recall rights (Preferred Eligibility List claims)
* Certification issues
* Disability retirement applications
* Improper Practice Charge proceedings before NYS Public Employment Relations Board
* Worker’s Compensation claims
* Family and Medical Leave Act claims
* Discrimination complaints
Your uninterrupted membership and support of our organization will also afford you continued WCT Welfare Trust Fund Benefits in retirement which includes:
♦ Optical/Vision Care/Laser Vision Correction
♦ Dental
♦ Hearing aid
♦ Prescription Co-Payment Reimbursement ($200 plus $5 per subsequent prescription)
♦ Medical Co-Payment/Co-Insurance Reimbursement ($300 plus 1%)
♦ Life Insurance
♦ Legal Services Program which includes over 25 benefits
♦ Financial Counseling Program
In the near future, you may be contacted by wealthy special interests organizations to dissuade you from being a union member. These affluent groups have been fighting for years to undercut the aforementioned benefits. Fortunately, we have been meticulously preparing for this outcome, and are ready to stand together and be the UNION!
Rest assured that the leadership of the WCT will remain vigilant and will keep the membership informed throughout this process. Relax and enjoy the rest of the summer!
In Solidarity,
Pasquale Delli Carpini
WCT President