We are pleased to announce that effective December 1, 2024, the Fund’s Dental, Hearing Aid,
Copay/Coinsurance Reimbursement and Prescription Drug Copay reimbursement benefits will be
administered by Administrative Services Only, Inc (ASO).
BENEFITS: There will be NO change in the Fund’s plan benefit levels or provisions such as annual
maximums, lifetime maximums, procedure frequencies, limitations and exclusions as stated in the
Benefit Booklet. All provisions will carry forward in accordance with your claim history.
CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION: The Fund’s current third-party administrator, Daniel H. Cook
Associates, Inc. (Cook Associates) will process claims up to November 22, 2024. Claims that were
received but not processed by Cook Associates will be forwarded to ASO. Claims history will be
transferred to ASO. We anticipate that ASO will commence processing claims shortly after January
1, 2025. ASO will honor pre-authorizations issued by Cook Associates.
Please submit all claims, regardless of date of service, to ASO:
Administrative Services Only, Inc.
PO Box 9005 Dept 251
Lynbrook, NY 11563
516.394.9400 or toll free 800.537.1238
Who is eligible? All covered members, their spouses, and dependents.
What is the benefit? This benefit provides for a $750 benefit per ear every 48 months to be used for the purchase of a hearing aid device.
What is not covered? The benefit does not provide for the purchase of hearing aid batteries or repairs.
How to obtain the benefit? To obtain the hearing aid benefit, simply contact the Welfare Trust Fund office and request a hearing aid form.
Download hearing aid form below.
Hearing Aid form